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- 2010 -

Charao Marques, F., Kessler Dal Soglio, F. & Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010).
Constructing Sociotechnical Transitions Toward Sustainable Agriculture. In E. Coudel, Devautour, Soulard & Hubert (Eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food (ISDA), Montpellier, France, 28 June - 1 July 2010. Montpellier: ISDA. Also on: http://www6.ufrgs.br/pgdr/arquivos/767.pdf

Struik, P.C., Ploeg, J.D. van der & Lettinga, G. (2010, Juni 01).
Wageningen gaat niet vrijuit; Landbouwlobby veel te dominant op universiteit. NRC, NH, pp. 7.

Massussi, J.A.; Mbida Mbida, J.A.; Djieto-Lordon, C.; Njiokou, F.; Laveissière, C.; Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Diversity and spation distribution of vectors and hosts of T. brucei gambiense in forest zones of Southern Cameroon : Epidemiological implications Acta Tropica 114 (1). - p. 44 - 48.

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
The Food Crisis, Industrialized Farming and the Imperial Regime Journal of Agrarian Change 10 (1). - p. 98 - 106.

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
The Peasantries of the Twenty-First Century: the Commoditisation Debat revisited The Journal of Peasant Studies 37 (1). - p. 1 - 30.

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Thinking Beyond Credit Farming Matters 26 (2). - p. 36 - 39.

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Nuevos Campesinos, campesinos e imperios alimentarios Barcelona : Icaria Editorial, s.a.,

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Sobre el Crédito a los agricultores de pequena escala. Y la necesidad de una base autónoma de recursos Revista De Agroecologica 26 (2). - p. 6 - 9.

Ploeg, J.D. van der; Jingzhong, Y. (2010)
Multiple job holding in rural villages and the Chinese road to development The Journal of Peasant Studies 37 (3). - p. 513 - 530.

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Peasants, Territorial Cooperatives and the Agrarian Question : The Everyday Lives of Policies and People In: Rural Transformations and Development - China in Context / Long, N., Jingzhong, Y., Yihuan, W., . - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,

Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Entre a dependencia e a autonomia: o papel do financiamento para a agricultura familiar Agriculturas 7 (2). - p. 34 - 37.

Ploeg, J.D. van der; Strijker, D.; Hoofwijk, H. (2010)
Noordelijke Friese Wouden: leerervaringen [S.l. : s.n.],

Rooij, S.J.G. de; Lauwere, C.C. de; Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Entrapped in group solidarity? Animal welfare, the ethical positions of farmers and the difficult search for alternatives Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 12 (4). - p. 341 - 361.

Ventura, F.; Milone, P.; Ploeg, J.D. van der (2010)
Understanding Rural Development Dynamics In: Networking the Rural / Milone, P., Ventura, F., . - Assen : Royal Van Gorcum,